Wednesday, 20 October 2010


The creation of a timeline is a necessary part of the pre-production process. A timeline, fundamentally; is a plan that links words and times to images and music riffs, allowing the production team to be pedantic with the pre-production process.

Using the timeline we have planned various different close-up shots of the lead guitar in different angles, during the main solo. We will conduct these shots to hopefully exemplify and convey the skill needed to perform such a solo; to the viewer.

We have also planned a two second close up of the front-man consuming a shot of alcohol. This shot is designed to expose the band for the party-animals they are, appealing to many audience demographics including teenagers and men ranging from 18 to 25.

Once the timeline is created; we transfer the ideas into the form of a storyboard which is fundamentally its visual counterpart. We will also create an animatic story board, to ensure maximum efficiency in the pre-production process.

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